As a church we want to grow to live as a missional community of truth, beauty, and generosity. We want to equip you to do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12).
Get Equipped is intended to provide a helpful framework for you to grow up in Jesus. This isn’t intended to be a solo endeavor – the Christian life is a community project. So as you walk through each of these steps over the next few years grab a friend and pray for the Lord to work in your lives.
These steps are not meant to be hurried and rushed through. Our goal is to provide a framework that can help you get established in Jesus for a lifetime of gospel ministry. Yes, we’re talking about you – if you know Jesus then you’ve been called into gospel ministry where you work, play, and live.
Wherever you find yourself we want to help you take a next step to get equipped to live for and serve Jesus. This process could be anywhere from 2-5 years. Obviously this is just the start of a journey and once you’ve completed the process you will have a solid foundation for a lifetime of discipleship under Jesus.