The Beginning
Our story doesn’t begin with a dream to start a church.
Our story begins with God himself at the beginning of all things. It begins with a word spoken by the Creator, a word uttered that caused everything to spring into existence. And from that word an idyllic paradise arose.
The Problem
A turn for the worse.
It took a turn for the worse, however, when the first people chose to deliberately and defiantly rebel against their Creator. In that moment worlds crashed into one another, life was tragically altered and the rest of human history would never be the same. Once, the experience was connection – to God and to one another – the new experience is isolation and alienation, our experience even to this very day.
But there was a glimmer of hope. Even as the man and the woman had to clothe their shame, God supplied hope. God in his great mercy, kindness, and grace promised to one day restore all things.
He had sent messengers but where did that get our forefathers? Even in their attempts to heed the message of God, their hearts were still dark. Humanity’s best attempts are but dirty rags in the eyes of God.
The Solution
Something amazingly unique and game-changing happened.
God stepped down into the human experience. In the person of Jesus, God dwelt among humanity. The One who owns it all, came in the form of a servant, born in a manger, never to have wealth or status or prestige. Not only that, Jesus, the one true Son of God, was murdered.
But even this heinous act of evil was part of God’s great redemptive strategy to reconcile all things to himself. In the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, he offers the pathway back to paradise.
The Hope
This ancient story is ultimately what birthed LifeConnection some 2,000 years later.
Because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus there is now hope that our tomorrow can be different from our yesterday, that we can once again find connection – to God and to one another. There is now hope for rescue from our sin and rebellion. Because of this, LifeConnection has a dream to see the world transformed by more people finding and grasping hold of this same hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
So here is LifeConnection – a missional community of truth, beauty, and generosity – squarely situated in Independence because of our great love for Independence.